Samankaltaiset artikkelit

Catching up; Moving back to Finland, where I stand now
To be honest I’ve been all over the place this summer, mentally and literally. It was time to leave beautiful Italy behind and to move on to new things in life. Moving back to Finland was harder than I thought and it took time to settle into the idea that I am not returning to…

Moving to Crete & Handling stress
Time has flown by faster than I’d like to admit. Unfortunately that is the reality and there’s no way to escape it. The last couple of months has been in a bit of blur. After coming back home from England it made me question my agenda of where to go next or to stay at…

First week in England; Sister Time and Surprising Thoughts
Wohoo I’m in England, It has been my very first week on British soil and I’ve absolutely loved it here. I’ve never been too keen on visiting England based on all that I’ve heard. Culture is one the major factors on my travel destinations and somehow England has never really reached out to top of…

Finland’s Independence Day & Questions about Home
Christmas spirit grows through out the winter and holiday time, some might not be into holiday festivities, some might be a into Christmas spirit around the actual celebration days and then there’s people who goes cuckoo since the first leaf drops, like me. I mentioned earlier on the last post that Christmas for me is…