Channeling inspiration & 3 hacks for your digital content platform
Seeking inspiration is a daily part of my life. I look for inspiration in my life, feelings, social media by talking with friends and family. It can be found anywhere if you’re willing to see it. As cliche as some might see inspiration, it is still one of the first steps you need to take…

4 factors that needs to be included to create a one billion dollar content strategy
I think I blacked out for the rest of the sentence after hearing billion dollars. I mean how on earth would somebody be able to create a content strategy that could push you towards one billion dollars? It’s a fine dance along the fine line when building your company’s strategy on how to communicate yourself…

2 explanations why Tiktok is booming and why future marketeers should know this, explained by Escudeiro Tiktok’s brand strategy director in the Netherlands
At this point where our lives consist of going from Los Livingroom to Nueva cocina ( from living room to kitchen ) back and forth, it is safe to say we’re all familiar with the wonders of Tiktok. Tiktok is known to be addictive and fun to do together with friends and family. In the…

The BAM 2021
Imagine yourself in a desired situation career wise. What would it look like and what would you be doing? Would you be a creative director in TikTok or maybe you created your own one billion dollar content strategy plan and now you’re working as a highly successful entrepreneur. Feels pretty good ha? What if I…