Channeling inspiration & 3 hacks for your digital content platform

Seeking inspiration is a daily part of my life. I look for inspiration in my life, feelings, social media by talking with friends and family. It can be found anywhere if you’re willing to see it. As cliche as some might see inspiration, it is still one of the first steps you need to take when making new life changing plans career wise or in your free time. It makes me happy to think about how would my future look and seek inspiration that can motivate me to go towards it. With that said I guess it is clear to see why I chose to attend Sofie Dumont’s event in the BAM conference 2021. Sofie Dumont is a Belgian renowned lady chef and digital entrepreneur. In her event we deep dove how to channel inspiration to action and what secret ingredients we need to succeed in digital platforms.
Sofie Dumont is a inspiring woman who has created herself a working digital support net. She started the event off by telling about her colorful life. A big passion of hers, cooking drove her to cooking school and eventually to a own cooking show. From a own cooking show she switched to digital world. Now she has a full time working digital platform. Inspiration is cool and all but how do we actually get that all into use? It’s a puzzle sometimes even if you have a lot of motivation to pack it all up. Dumont is truly an example on how hard work pays off when taking action pays off!
If working digitally or in your own terms is something you’re truly interested in, this is your cue! First we’re going to start off by defining our goal. Brainstorm a bit and shower yourself with inspiration and answer to this question ”what is it that I really want to do? ”. With your identified goal look further on what do you need accomplish. What do I need to make this happen? After these few steps Dumont suggested to start creating your network! Start looking for partnerships, collaborations and be responsive with your audience. To put this all together, it is important to specifically define your first steps to make the rest of the path a little more clear.
However there’s one key that sticks out to be the most efficient when creating your digital platform. That my friend is called 360’ perspective. Yes simple as that! This 360 perspective is a major factor behind Dumont baffling success in her digital world. Now when looking back at this information it also kinda makes sense! 360 perspective means having a specified account in ” all of the social platforms”. Specified social platform means having the same account with slightly more suitable content in specific social app. For example, in Instagram I could post about life, traveling and moments when in Pinterest I would post pictures that inspires me. See what it means? With this tactic you’re able to create more suitable and enjoyable content to be peoples liking. Let’s face it, some like to watch videos when some enjoy analyzing a picture!
Hands down inspiring speech and event! I think it’s no newsflash that I enjoy doing social media and posting stuff online so hearing her side of the story was beautiful. I learned about new and better perspectives to look at social media and got inspiration to do better! For a future marketeer it’s crucial to know how to play around social media since that and big data is our future. Social media is going to and already plays a huge role when it comes to advertising and engaging with target audience. If you’re a marketeer, p.s that was for you!
Last few tips to remember from Dumont and few from me; create multiple social channels to your content and specify it, fill yourself a content calendar so you remember all the special occasions. Last but not least be consistent and always remember quality over quantity! ( Don’t be too picky tho yikes, we all have to start from somewhere! )