The BAM 2021
Imagine yourself in a desired situation career wise. What would it look like and what would you be doing? Would you be a creative director in TikTok or maybe you created your own one billion dollar content strategy plan and now you’re working as a highly successful entrepreneur. Feels pretty good ha? What if I told you, that I can share some valuable information on how you could take your first steps closer.
You think I’ve gone crazy or is there something I could really deliver to you? I’m talking about the BAM. What BAM you think? The one that helps you getting your next step to your career paradise.
Belgian Association of Marketing, in familiar words BAM is a market happening for the young future marketeer’s, entrepreneur’s and CEO’s. It’s driven to educate and inspire young leaders of tomorrow. BAM’s programme is scheduled with many successful speakers who has lead an impressive example on their careers. This year 2021 the conference was held online due to obvious reasons (corona). However it had it’s perks! I got to sign up to their website, make my own profile and add information about myself such as linkedin and this site. I planned my own schedule to which conferences I wanted to attend and I got to do some networking with the keyspeakers. Now you’re looking at a woman who’s linkedin friends with Tiktok’s creative director and with a man who knows how to create billion dollar strategy plan. It’s kinda like 13 year old me would be friends with One Direction singers in facebook. To get back to the track, in conclusion Belgian Associaton of Marketing gets together only once a year to gather our future leaders to be innovative and to deepen their knowledge.
Marketing plays a big role in my studies. Seeing a glimpse of possible future of the marketing sector was truly exciting, inspiring to be honest. I think I have mentioned before in my About page that I study international communications and media, participating in a conference like this gave me a possibility to layout a interesting network. I got to connect with Jeremy who creates innovative communication strategies and Paulo who is brand strategy director. Both of these held their own events with own topics and it got me hooked! From Bullshit marketing to meaningful marketing, Recipe for building a successful digital content platform and one billion content strategy and masterclass in making an impact for your business and society to name a few of my favorite sessions I attended.
Designing and planning own future is as vital as studying. It’s necessary to plan your way to from a student to the one who runs their own business or creates new innovations. Being able to connect and learn from these skillful people has been a one of a kind opportunity that BAM was able to offer me. We all have to start from somewhere, maybe this could be the sign to do it. Surround yourself in inspiring happening like Markethappening 2021. It gets your creative juices flowing! At the end of the day our world has changed and we have to adapt with it. As a future marketeer we’re looking at a more technical future, let’s innovate with that!
Here’s a link to BAM’s page in case you’re curious to find out more about the topics, speakers or about the whole happening! Also you can find 3 more BAM posts in Kastanjamariaana. In these posts we’re going to dive into strategic planning, the success of Tiktok and sharing tips on how to grow your digital platform. I’ll see you there!